Don't Make These Mistakes When Buying a Secondary Suite
These types of units are becoming increasingly more popular, both for homeowners due to the costs of long-term care for parents and relatives, or the need for additional income because...
These types of units are becoming increasingly more popular, both for homeowners due to the costs of long-term care for parents and relatives, or the need for additional income because...
Listen in to the Queen's Innovation Runway Podcast where Lisa was interviewed by Jim Banting, Vice Principal of Research with Queen's University in Kingston. Thanks so much Jim for all...
Buying land that doesn’t work for your plans can turn into a very expensive mistake, very quickly, but the right piece of land can earn purchasers their dream home in the perfect location!
A BCIN designer is a licensed professional in the architectural field who is qualified to produce and approve building plans for construction in Ontario, Canada. What does BCIN mean? BCIN...
One of the things that our clients get excited about in making selections for their new home is choosing their kitchen countertops. There are a wide variety of options available...
Check out our President, Lisa's Interview with #inFrontenac! Thank you so much to Allison and Matt from Frontenac County!